But they divided their command among them into writings, each party exulting at what it has,
But they disagreed and split up, dividing into sects, each party exulting in what it had.
But the affair was disputed between them into segments. Every group happy with what it had.
But they (who claim to follow you O Messengers) have torn their unity wide asunder, piece by piece into disputing factions, each faction rejoicing in its beliefs. (30:32).
But they divided their command among them into writings, each party exulting at what it has,
Butthe affair was disputed between them into segments. Every group happy with what it had.
But the affair was disputed between them into segments. Every group happy with what it had.
But they tore themselves into disputing factions; each party happy with what they have.
But then they divided up their order into different creeds, each section rejoicing in what it had come to have.
But the people divided their religion among them into sects - each faction, in what it has, rejoicing.
But they (who claim to follow you) have torn their unity wide asunder, piece by piece, each group delighting in what they themselves possess .
But they (mankind) have broken their religion among them into sects, each group rejoicing in its tenets.
But people later cut up their religion into bits, each group rejoicing in what they have.*
Yet they -the people- were divided among themselves and set at variance and the ties among them were severed. Instead of unity in feeling, action and purpose, they set their actual sectarian practice, each rejoicing with his own views.
What a shame that people have divided themselves into different nations each happy with what they have (proud of their "cultural roots!")
But they (men) have broken their religion among them into sects, each group rejoicing in what is with it (as its beliefs).
But people have cut off their affair (of unity), between them, into sects: each party rejoices in that which is with itself.
Yet the people have divided it into different sects, each rejoicing in what they have.
But they split up ways from one another (dividing themselves) into factions, each faction happy with what lies before it.
but they have split their community into sects, each rejoicing in their own.
But they split in their affair between them into sects, each party rejoicing in what is with them.
And they have become divided as to their affair amongst themselves into sects, each party rejoicing in what they have themselves.
And, verily, this your religion (or brotherhood) is one religion (or brotherhood), and I am your Lord; so keep your duty unto Me.
Then they cut up their Command among themselves into denominations, (i. e., differed about the command of Allah) each party exulting with whatever they had close to them. (i.e., their tenets)
But men have rent the affair of their religion into various sects: Every party rejoiceth in that which they follow.
But people have broken their feelings (for Unity), between them, into (different) groups: Each group rejoices in what is with itself.
But the people, (rather than preserve their unity) split up their affair among themselves (forming themselves into factions) considering (each portion thus split up) as (the real) Scripture, every faction rejoicing in that which was with them.
But they fragmented their religion among themselves, each party exulting in what it had.