Sam Gerrans - The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation

They have therein all that they desire, they abiding eternally; it is upon thy Lord a promise requested.

لَهُمْ ف۪يهَا مَا يَشَٓاؤُ۫نَ خَالِد۪ينَۜ كَانَ عَلٰى رَبِّكَ وَعْداً مَسْؤُ۫لاً
Lahum feeha ma yashaoonakhalideena kana AAala rabbika waAAdanmas-oola
1lahumFor them
3(is) whatever
4yashāūnathey wishشيا
5khālidīnathey will abide foreverخلد
6kānaIt isكون
8rabbikayour Lordربب
9waʿdana promiseوعد
  • Aisha Bewley

    They will have in it whatever they want timelessly, for ever. It is a binding promise of your Lord.

  • Progressive Muslims

    In it they will have what they wish eternally. It is upon your Lord an obligated promise.

  • Shabbir Ahmed

    Therein abiding, they have all that they desire. A promise from your Sustainer that must be fulfilled and it is worth coveting.

  • Sam Gerrans The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation

    They have therein all that they desire, they abiding eternally; it is upon thy Lord a promise requested.

  • The Monotheist Group The Quran: A Monotheist Translation

    In it they will have what they wish eternally. It is upon your Lord an obligated promise.

  • Edip-Layth Quran: A Reformist Translation

    In it they will have what they wish eternally. It is upon your Lord an obligated promise.

  • Rashad Khalifa The Final Testament

    They get anything they wish therein, forever. This is your Lord's irrevocable promise.

  • Mohamed Ahmed - Samira

    There will they have whatever they wish, and there abide for ever. " This is a promise incumbent on your Lord which will certainly be fulfilled.

  • Sahih International (Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)

    For them therein is whatever they wish, abiding eternally. It is ever upon your Lord a promise requested.

  • Muhammad Asad

    a promise given by thy Sustainer, to be prayed for?"

  • Marmaduke Pickthall

    Therein abiding, they have all that they desire. It is for thy Lord a promise that must be fulfilled.

  • Abul A'la Maududi Tafhim commentary

    the Garden wherein whatever they desire will be fulfilled. In it they shall abide for ever. This is a promise whose fulfilment Your Lord has made incumbent on Himself.

  • Abdel Khalek Himmat Al- Muntakhab

    The garden wherein they shall have whatever object of desire affording pleasure and satisfaction. Any wish they express in words or in thought will be instantly fulfilled, For they will have passed through nature to Eternity; a promise Allah binds Himself to, and treats as an obligation.

  • Bijan Moeinian

    This promise is binging upon your Lord to let them live in the Paradise forever and give them anything that they desire.

  • Al-Hilali & Khan

    For them there will be therein all that they desire, and they will abide (there forever). It is a promise binding upon your Lord that must be fulfilled.

  • Abdullah Yusuf Ali

    "For them there will be therein all that they wish for: they will dwell (there) for aye: A promise to be prayed for from thy Lord."

  • Mustafa Khattab The Clear Quran

    There they will have whatever they wish for, forever. That is a promise ˹to be sought after˺, binding on your Lord."

  • Taqi Usmani

    For them there will be whatever they wish, while they will be eternal. This is a promise undertaken by your Lord, (the fulfillment of) which is worth praying for.

  • Abdul Haleem

    There they will find everything they wish for, and there they will stay. , this is a binding promise from your Lord.

  • Arthur John Arberry

    Therein they shall have what they will dwelling forever; it is a promise binding upon thy Lord, and of Him to be required.

  • E. Henry Palmer

    They shall have therein what they please, to dwell therein for aye: that is of thy Lord a promise to be demanded.

  • Hamid S. Aziz

    Say, "Is that better or the Garden of Eternity (Immortality) which is promised unto those who fear (ward off evil), which is ever a reward and a goal?

  • Mahmoud Ghali

    promise upon your Lord, of Him to be asked (by His righteous bondmen).

  • George Sale

    Therein shall they have whatever they please; continuing in the same for ever. This is a promise to be demanded at the hands of thy Lord.

  • Syed Vickar Ahamed

    "For them in there, there will be all that they wish for: And they will live (there) forever: A promise to be prayed for from your Lord. "

  • Amatul Rahman Omar

    They shall have there all that they desire and they will abide (in this state of bliss for ever). It is a promise binding on your Lord (and) to be always earnestly prayed for (from Him).

  • Ali Quli Qarai

    There they will have whatever they wish, abiding , a promise besought, on your Lord.