For it is that they made a breach with God and His messenger! And whoso makes a breach with God, God is severe in retribution.
What you cut down of palm-trees or left standing on its roots: it was by the leave of God, and that He might disgrace the perfidious.
And what God gave in spoil to His messenger from them: you spurred not for it any horse or camel, but God gives His messengers authority over whom He wills; and God is over all things powerful.
What God gave in spoil to His messenger from the people of the cities belongs to God and His messenger, and to relatives, and the fatherless, and the needy, and the wayfarer that it be not a distribution by turns between the rich among you. And what the Messenger gives you: take it, and from what he forbids you: refrain — and be in prudent fear of God; God is severe in retribution —
For the poor émigrés, who were turned out of their homes and their possessions, seeking favour from God and approval, and helping God and His messenger; it is they who are the truthful.
And those who settled in the home and the faith before them, love those who have emigrated to them, and they find in their breasts no need for what they were given, but give preference above themselves though they be in privation. And whoso is protected from the avarice of his soul, it is they who are the successful.