“Has he made the gods One God? This is an amazing thing.”
Has he turned all the gods into One God? That is truly astonishing!’
"Has he made the gods into One god This is indeed a strange thing!"
Does he blend all the gods into One God? Behold, this is a thing mind-boggling!"
“Has he made the gods One God? This is an amazing thing.”
"Has he made the gods into One god? This is indeed a strange thing!"
"Has he made the gods into One god? This is indeed a strange thing!"
"Did he make the gods into one god? This is really strange."
Has he turned so many gods into one deity? This is indeed a strange thing!"
Has he made the gods one God? Indeed, this is a curious thing. "
Does he claim that all the deities are one God? Verily, a most strange thing is this!"
Maketh he the gods One Allah? Lo! that is an astounding thing.
Has he made the gods one single God? This is truly astounding."
"Does He proclaim the gods to be but one god This is indeed strange".
Mohammad has come with the idea of One God instead of so many gods that we have! What a weird idea!
"Has he made the âlihah (gods) (all) into One Ilâh (God - Allâh). Verily, this is a curious thing!"
"Has he made the gods (all) into one Allah? Truly this is a wonderful thing!"
Has he reduced ˹all˺ the gods to One God? Indeed, this is something totally astonishing."
Has he (not) turned all the gods into a single God? It is a very strange thing indeed."
How can he claim that all the gods are but one God? What an astonishing thing !’
What, has he made the gods One God? This is indeed a marvellous thing. '
What! does he make the gods to be one God? verily, this is a wondrous thing.
What! Makes he a single God out of the many gods? A strange thing is this, to be sure!
Has he made the gods one God? Surely this is indeed a most wondrous thing. "
Doth he affirm the gods to be but one God? Surely this is a wonderful thing.
"Has he (the warner) made (all) the gods into one god? Truly, this is a wonderful thing!"
`Has he turned (the whole lot of) gods (we worshipped) into One God? Very strange indeed is this thing. '
‘Has he reduced the gods to one god? This is indeed an odd thing!’