Has there come upon man a period of time he was not a thing remembered?
Has man ever known a point of time when he was not something remembered?
Was there not a time in the past when the human being was nothing to even be mentioned
Has there not passed over man an era when he was not even worth mentioning?
Has there come upon man a period of time he was not a thing remembered?
Was there not a time in the past when man was nothing to even be mentioned?
Was there not a time in the past when the human being was nothing to even be mentioned?
Is it not a fact that there was a time when the human being was nothing to be mentioned?
WAS THERE NOT a time in the life of man when he was not even a mentionable thing?
Has there come upon man a period of time when he was not a thing mentioned?
HAS THERE been an endless span of time before man when he was not yet a thing to be thought of?
Hath there come upon man (ever) any period of time in which he was a thing unremembered?
Was there a period of time when man was not even worthy of a mention?
Was there not an era when man was not even heard of?
Does man not recognize a stage of his life in which he was practically nothing worth to mention?
Has there not been over man a period of time, when he was not a thing worth mentioning?
Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing - (not even) mentioned?
Is there not a period of time when each human is nothing yet worth mentioning?
There has come upon man a period of time in which he was nothing worth mentioning.
Was there not a period of time when man was nothing to speak of ?
Has there come on man a while of time when he was a thing unremembered?
Does there not come on man a portion of time when he is nothing worth mentioning?
Was there not over man a long period of time when he was a thing unremembered (nothing, not worth mention).
Has there come upon man a while of (an) era when he was not a thing to be remembered?
Did there not pass over man a long space of time; during which he was a thing not worthy of remembrance?
Has there not been a long period of time, when man was nothing— (Not even) mentioned?
There did pass over a human being a while of a long space of time when he was not a thing worth mentioning.
Has there been for man a period of time when he was not anything worthy of mention?