To the false claimers of guidance — there is none to avert it —
It is for the kafirun and cannot be averted
For the rejecters, there is nothing that will stop it.
Upon those who deny the Truth. None can repel it.
To the false claimers of guidance — there is none to avert it —
For the rejecters, there is nothing that will stop it.
For the ingrates, there is nothing that will stop it.
For the disbelievers, none can stop it.
Upon the infidels -- which none would be able to repel --
To the disbelievers; of it there is no preventer.
those who deny the truth. nothing can ward it off,
Upon the disbelievers, which none can repel,
(a chastisement meant) for the unbelievers, one which none can avert;
A retributive punishment stored for the infidels and there is just not any expedient nor anyone in the heaven's realm or on earth that can avert it,
Which will be imposed upon the disbelievers whom no one can save from.
Upon the disbelievers, which none can avert,
The Unbelievers, the which there is none to ward off,-
for the disbelievers—to be averted by none—
the disbelievers; there is no one to avert it,
It will fall on the disbelievers––none can deflect it––
for the unbelievers, which none may avert,
for the unbelievers; there is no repelling it;
The unbelievers, which none can avert,
For the disbelievers, for which there is no repelling,
There shall be none to avert the same
Upon the unbelievers— There is none that can avert (the penalty)—
(Let him know) there will be none to ward it off from the disbelievers.
—which none can avert from the faithless—