And whoso is patient and forgives: that is among the resolution of affairs.
But if someone is steadfast and forgives, that is the most resolute course to follow.
And for he who is patient and forgives, then that is an indication of strength.
And, verily, whoever is patient and forgives, behold, that indeed is from strength of character.
And whoso is patient and forgives: that is among the resolution of affairs.
And for he who is patient and forgives, then that is an indication of strength.
As for the patient and forgiving, that is an indication of strength.
Resorting to patience and forgiveness reflects a true strength of character.
But he who bears with patience and forgives, surely complies with divine resolve.
And whoever is patient and forgives - indeed, that is of the matters determination.
But withal, if one is patient in adversity and forgives - this, behold, is indeed something to set one’s heart upon!
And verily whoso is patient and forgiveth - lo! that, verily, is (of) the steadfast heart of things.
But he who patiently endures and forgives, that is a conduct of great resolve.*
But again he who bears the wrongs, and bears with the wrongful and accords him forgiveness, possesses his own soul; this is indeed the mode of considering matters with an attitude of mind reflecting a high spirit and strong will.
In any case, bear in mind that patience and forgiveness reflect strength of character.
And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives, that would truly be from the things recommended by Allâh.
But indeed if any show patience and forgive, that would truly be an exercise of courageous will and resolution in the conduct of affairs.
And whoever endures patiently and forgives—surely this is a resolve to aspire to.
And if one observes patience and forgives, it is, of course, one of the courageous conducts.
though if a person is patient and forgives, this is one of the greatest things.
But surely he who bears patiently and is forgiving -- surely that is true constancy.
But surely he who is patient and forgives, - verily, that is a determined affair.
And whoever is patient and forgiving, these most surely are actions of courage and resolution.
And indeed he who (endures) patiently and forgives, surely that is indeed (an act of true) resolve concerning His Commands.
And whoso beareth injuries patiently, and forgiveth; verily this is a necessary work.
And indeed whoever shows patience and forgiveness, that would truly be an act of bold will, (and resolution in the conduct of affairs) is truly recommended by Allah.
But the one who bears (the wrong done to him) and forgives, (let it be remembered that) surely to do so is a matter of great fortitude and high resolve.
As for him who endures patiently and forgives —that is indeed the steadiest of courses.