Say thou: “Shall I inform you of better than that? For those who are in prudent fear, with their Lord are gardens beneath which rivers flow, they abiding eternally therein, and purified spouses, and approval from God”; and God sees the servants,
# | word | meaning | root |
1 | qul | Say | قول |
2 | a-unabbi-ukum | Shall I inform you | نبا |
3 | bikhayrin | of better | خير |
4 | min | than | |
5 | dhālikum | that | |
6 | lilladhīna | For those who | |
7 | ittaqaw | fear[ed] | وقي |
8 | ʿinda | with | عند |
9 | rabbihim | their Lord | ربب |
10 | jannātun | (are) Gardens | جنن |
11 | tajrī | flows | جري |
12 | min | from | |
13 | taḥtihā | underneath them | تحت |
14 | l-anhāru | [the] rivers | نهر |
15 | khālidīna | abiding forever | خلد |
16 | fīhā | in it | |
17 | wa-azwājun | and spouses | زوج |
18 | muṭahharatun | pure | طهر |
19 | wariḍ'wānun | and approval | رضو |
20 | mina | from | |
21 | l-lahi | Allah | |
22 | wal-lahu | And Allah | |
23 | baṣīrun | (is) All-Seer | بصر |
24 | bil-ʿibādi | of (His) slaves | عبد |
Say, ‘Shall I tell you of something better than that?’ Those who have taqwa will have Gardens with their Lord, with rivers flowing under them, remaining in them timelessly, for ever, and purified wives, and the Pleasure of Allah. Allah sees His slaves:
Say: "Shall I inform you of what is greater than all this For those who believe in their Lord will be gardens with rivers flowing beneath, in them they abide eternally, and with pure mates, and an acceptance from God. And God is watcher over the servants."
(O Messenger) Say, "Shall I inform you of something better than these, with which those who walk aright will be rewarded by their Lord? Gardens with flowing streams beneath, where they will live forever with spouses of spotless character and the Blissful Approval of Allah. Allah is Seer of His servants."
Say thou: “Shall I inform you of better than that? For those who are in prudent fear, with their Lord are gardens beneath which rivers flow, they abiding eternally therein, and purified spouses, and approval from God”; and God sees the servants,
Say: "Shall I inform you of what is greater than all this? For those who believe in their Lord will be estates with rivers flowing beneath them; abiding therein, and with pure mates, and an acceptance from God. And God is Seer over the servants."
Say, "Shall I inform you of what is greater than all this? For those who are aware, at their Lord there will be gardens with rivers flowing beneath, abiding there eternally, and purified mates, and an acceptance from God. God is Seer of the servants."
Say, "Let me inform you of a much better deal: for those who lead a righteous life, reserved at their Lord, are gardens with flowing streams, and pure spouses, and joy in GOD's blessings." GOD is Seer of His worshipers.
Say: "Shall I tell you of (things) even better? With the Lord are gardens with running streams of water for those who keep from evil and follow the straight path, where they will live unchanged with the purest of companions and blessings of God. " And under God's eyes are devotees who say:
Say, "Shall I inform you of better than that? For those who fear Allah will be gardens in the presence of their Lord beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and purified spouses and approval from Allah. And Allah is Seeing of servants -
Say: "Shall I tell you of better things than those ? For the God-conscious there are, with their Sustainer, gardens through which running waters flow, therein to abide, and spouses pure, and God's goodly acceptance. " And God sees all that is in His servants -
Say: Shall I inform you of something better than that? For those who keep from evil, with their Lord, are Gardens underneath which rivers flow wherein they will abide, and pure companions, and contentment from Allah. Allah is Seer of His bondmen,
Say: 'Shall I tell you of things better than these? For the God-fearing there are, with their Lord, gardens beneath which rivers flow; there they will abide for ever, will have spouses of stainless purity as companions, and will enjoy the good pleasure of Allah.' Allah thoroughly observes His servants.
Say to them O Muhammad: "Shall I inform you of what excels that which allures your eyes and minds here? Paradise beneath which rivers flow is unsurpassed in beauty and supreme bliss, destined to those who revere Allah and entertain the profound reverence dutiful to Him. They will have passed through nature to Eternity companioned by mates of their design, pure and holy, fellows of their piety. Above all they come in Allah’s grace and they win His satisfaction and esteem. Allah is Vigilant. He keeps a watchful eye upon His creation and upon the way people conduct themselves in life; He knows the attributes inherent in each and all".
Say: "Let me inform you of a better alternative. For those who lead a God pleasing life, the Lord has reserved the splendid gardens wherein the water flows underneath and they will live with their pure wives under the protection of God. God is watching His servants."
Say: "Shall I inform you of things far better than those? For Al-Muttaqûn (the pious - See V.2:2) there are Gardens (Paradise) with their Lord, underneath which rivers flow. Therein (is their) eternal (home) and Azwâjun Mutahharatun (purified mates or wives). And Allâh will be pleased with them. And Allâh is All-Seer of the (His) slaves".
Say: Shall I give you glad tidings of things Far better than those? For the righteous are Gardens in nearness to their Lord, with rivers flowing beneath; therein is their eternal home; with companions pure (and holy); and the good pleasure of Allah. For in Allah's sight are (all) His servants,-
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ "Shall I inform you of what is better than ˹all of˺ this? Those mindful ˹of Allah˺ will have Gardens with their Lord under which rivers flow, to stay there forever, and pure spouses, along with Allah’s pleasure." And Allah is All-Seeing of ˹His˺ servants,
Say: "Shall I tell you what is far better than that? For those who fear (Allah), there are gardens with their Lord, beneath which rivers flow, where they shall live forever, with purified wives, and approval from Allah. Allah is watchful over His servants".
, say, ‘Would you like me to tell you of things that are better than all of these? Their Lord will give those who are mindful of God Gardens graced with flowing streams, where they will stay with pure spouses and God’s good pleasure- God is fully aware of His servants-
Say: 'Shall I tell you of a better than that?' For those that are godfearing, with their Lord are gardens underneath which rivers flow, therein dwelling forever, and spouses purified, and God's good pleasure. And God sees His servants
Say, 'But shall we tell you of a better thing than this?' For those who fear are gardens with their Lord, beneath which rivers flow; they shall dwell therein for aye, and pure wives and grace from God; the Lord looks on His servants,
Say, "But shall we tell you of a better thing than this?" For the righteous are Gardens with their Lord, beneath which rivers flow; they shall dwell therein for ever, and pure companions and grace from Allah; for all His servants are in Allah's sight.
Say, "Shall I fully inform you of a more charitable (thing) (Literally: the belongings) than that? (Literally: the lowly life, i. e., the life of this world) For (the ones) who are pious (to Allah), from the Providence of their Lord, are Gardens from beneath which Rivers run, (abiding) eternally therein, and spouses purified, and all- blessed satisfaction from Allah; and Allah is Ever-Beholding of (His) bondmen.
Say, shall I declare unto you better things than this? For those who are devout are prepared with their Lord, gardens through which rivers flow; therin shall they continue for ever: And they shall enjoy wives free from impurity, and the favour of God; for God regardeth his servants;
Say (to them): "Shall I give you glad news of things far better than that? For the righteous are Gardens with their Lord, with rivers flowing beneath: In there is their eternal home; With Companions pure (and holy); And the good pleasure of Allah. For in Allah’s sight are (all) His servants."—
Say, `Shall I inform you of something better than these? There are with their Lord Gardens served with running streams for those who become secure against evil. There they shall abide for ever, and (there will be the righteous) companions perfectly purified and (above all they will enjoy) the good pleasure of Allâh.' And Allâh is Mindful of (His) servants,
Say, ‘Shall I inform you of something better than that? For those who are Godwary there will be gardens near their Lord, with streams running in them, to remain in them , and chaste mates, and Allah’s pleasure. ’ And Allah sees best the servants.