No, indeed! When it reaches the collar-bone,
No indeed! When it reaches the gullet
Alas, when it reaches the throat.
Nay, when the last breaths come up to the throat.
No, indeed! When it reaches the collar-bone,
Alas, when it reaches the throat.
Alas, when it reaches the throat.
Indeed, when (the soul) reaches the throat.
Never so, for when life withdraws into the clavicula,
No! When the soul has reached the collar bones
NAY, but when comes up to the throat ,
Nay, but when the life cometh up to the throat
Nay; when a man's soul reaches up to the throat,
No, but when the death - rattle is impending and it is time for the soul to part,
In the moment of death, when the soul comes up to the throat.
Nay, when (the soul) reaches to the collar bone (i.e. up to the throat in its exit),
Yea, when (the soul) reaches to the collar-bone (in its exit),
But no! ˹Beware of the day˺ when the soul reaches the collar bone ˹as it leaves˺,
Never, (you will never remain in this world forever!) When the soul (of a patient) reaches the clavicles,
Truly, when the soul reaches the collarbone;
No indeed; when it reaches the clavicles
Nay, but when the comes up into the throat,
Nay! When the soul comes up to the throat,
Not at all! When it reaches the clavicles,
Assuredly. When a man's soul shall come up to his throat, in his last agony;
Yes, when (the soul) reaches the collar-bone (as it leaves the body)
Behold! when it (- the soul of a dying person) reaches the throat (to leave his body in death)
No indeed! When the soul reaches up to the collar bones,