The people of Lot denied the warnings.
The people of Lut denied the warnings.
The people of Lot rejected the warners.
Lot's folk rejected warnings. (11:69-83).
The people of Lot denied the warnings.
The people of Lot rejected the warners.
The people of Lot rejected the warners.
The people of Lot rejected the warnings.
The people of Lot rejected the warnings.
The people of Lot denied the warning.
LOT ’S PEOPLE gave the lie to all warnings:
The folk of Lot rejected warnings.
Lot's people also gave the lie to the warnings,
Similarly did the people of Lut (Lot); they disbelieved their Messenger and obstinately refused to listen to the warning against impending danger and misfortune for their heinous sin.
The people of Lot also denied their prophet’s warnings.
The people of Lût (Lot) belied the warnings.
The people of Lut rejected (his) warning.
The people of Lot ˹also˺ rejected the warnings.
The people of LūT rejected the warners.
The people of Lot rejected the warnings.
The people of Lot cried lies to the warnings.
Lot's people called the apostles liars;
The people of Lot treated the warning. as a lie.
The people of Lût (Lot) cried lies to the warnings.
The people of Lot charged his preaching with falsehood:
The People of Lut (Lot) rejected (his) warning.
Lot's people (also in rejecting Lot) cried lies to all (the Divine) Warners.
And the people of Lot denied the warnings.