Then how were My punishment and My warnings?
How terrible were My punishment and warnings!
So how was My retribution after the warnings!
Then see how was My retribution after My warnings!
Then how were My punishment and My warnings?
So how was My retribution after the warnings!
So how was My retribution after the warnings!
Consequently, how terrible was My retribution! They have been warned.
How was then My punishment of which they had been warned?
And how were My punishment and warning.
and how severe was the suffering which I inflicted when My warnings were disregarded!
Then see how (dreadful) was My punishment after My warnings!
So how awesome were My chastisement and My warnings!
And how painful was the punishment imposed on those who counselled deaf to admonition and mis-spent their lives and refused to acknowledge their Messenger!
How terrible was My (God’s) punishment after My warnings.
Then, how (terrible) was My Torment and My Warnings?
Ah! how (terrible) was My Penalty and My Warning!
Then how ˹dreadful˺ were My punishment and warnings!
So how was My torment and My warnings?
How was My punishment and My warnings!
How then were My chastisement and My warnings?
Then how was my punishment and my warning?
How great was then My punishment after My warning!
How then were My torment and My warnings?
But how severe was my vengeance, and my threatening!
Then! How (terrible) was My Penalty and My Warning!
And (behold!) how (terrible) then was My punishment and (how true) My warning!
So how were My punishment and My warnings?!