In gardens, they will ask each other
In Gardens they will ask
In paradises they will ask one another.
In Gardens they will ask.
In gardens, they will ask each other
In gardens, they will inquire.
In paradises, they will be asking
While in Paradise, they will ask.
Sitting in the gardens, asking
in gardens, questioning each other
In gardens , they will inquire
In gardens they will ask one another
who shall be in the Gardens,* and shall ask
Beheld in bliss, they will convey their thoughts reciprocally in talk
…. they will ask the sinners…
In Gardens (Paradise) they will ask one another,
(They will be) in Gardens (of Delight): they will question each other,
who will be in Gardens, asking one another
who will be in gardens, asking
in Gardens and ask
in Gardens they will question
in gardens shall they ask each other
In Gardens, they shall ask each other
In Gardens they will ask one another (questions).
who shall dwell in gardens, and shall ask one another questions
(They will be) in Gardens (of happiness): They will question each other,
(They will be) in Gardens inquiring
in gardens, questioning