You will embark upon stage after stage.
you will mount up stage by stage!
You will ride a vessel upon a vessel.
That you will traverse higher and higher from one plane to another. (Civilizations will keep advancing in sciences, and individuals will always have a chance to grow in goodness. Furthermore, evolution of the 'Self' will carry on in the life to come).
You will embark upon stage after stage.
Youwill ride a platform upon a platform.
You will ride a stage/layer upon a stage/layer.
You will move from stage to stage.
That you will climb from stage to stage.
you will surely experience state after state.
are you bound to move; onward from stage to stage.
That ye shall journey on from plane to plane.
you shall proceed onwards from stage to stage.
That you people shall ride from one circumstance to another and from one mode of existence to another and from a state of things, in which events stand disposed at a particular time, to another, and from one world to another; for in the actual system of things man changes, from one condition to another. He is governed by the inherent dominating power by which actions and feelings are determined.
That man will move from stage to stage.
You shall certainly travel from stage to stage (in this life and in the Hereafter).
Ye shall surely travel from stage to stage.
You will certainly pass from one state to another.
you shall certainly ascend from stage to stage.
you will progress from stage to stage.
you shall surely ride stage after stage.
Ye shall be surely transferred from state to state!
You shall surely travel from stage to stage!
Indeed you will definitely ride state after state (i. e., travel from one stage "of life" to another).
ye shall surely be transferred successively from state to state.
You shall surely travel from one stage to the next (life to Hereafter).
That you shall invariably pass on from one stage to another.
you will surely fare from stage to stage.