And it is upon an enduring road;
They were beside a road which still exists.
And it was on an established path.
And behold, those towns (Sodom and Gomorrah) stood by a road that still exists.
And it is upon an enduring road;
Andit was on an established path.
It is on an established path.
This will always be the system.
This (city) lies on a road that still survives.
And indeed, those cities are on an established road.
for, behold, those stood by a road that still exists.
And lo! it is upon a road still uneffaced.
The place (where this occurred) lies along a known route.*
And the evidence still stands as a scene of dismal devastation to the travelers (in the neighbourhood of the dead sea between Syria and Arabia).
Their ruins are still there;
And verily! They (the cities) were right on the highroad (from Makkah to Syria i.e. the place where the Dead Sea is now).
And the (cities were) right on the high-road.
Their ruins still lie along a known route.
Surely, it (their city) is located on the straight road.
it is still there on the highway-
surely it is on a way yet remaining;
And, verily, the (cities) are on a path that still remains.
And, verily, the cities were on a high road that still remains.
And surely it is indeed on a way that still exists.
And those cities were punished, to point out a right way for men to walk in.
And (the cities were) right on the high-road (between Arabia and Syria).
And (the ruins of) these (townships) lie on a road that still exists (right on the highway between Arabia and Syria).
Indeed it is on a standing road,