Sam Gerrans - The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation

And We gave understanding of it to Solomon; and to each We gave judgment and knowledge. And We made subject with David the mountains giving glory, and the birds. And We are the doers.

فَفَهَّمْنَاهَا سُلَيْمٰنَۚ وَكُلاًّ اٰتَيْنَا حُكْماً وَعِلْماًۘ وَسَخَّرْنَا مَعَ دَاوُ۫دَ الْجِبَالَ يُسَبِّحْنَ وَالطَّيْرَۜ وَكُنَّا فَاعِل۪ينَ
Fafahhamnaha sulaymanawakullan atayna hukman waAAilman wasakhkharnamaAAa dawooda aljibala yusabbihna wattayrawakunna faAAileen
1fafahhamnāhāAnd We gave understanding of itفهم
2sulaymāna(to) Sulaiman
3wakullanand (to) eachكلل
4ātaynāWe gaveاتي
6waʿil'manand knowledgeعلم
7wasakharnāAnd We subjectedسخر
10l-jibālathe mountainsجبل
11yusabbiḥ'na(to) glorify Our praisesسبح
12wal-ṭayraand the birdsطير
13wakunnāAnd We wereكون
14fāʿilīnathe Doersفعل
  • Aisha Bewley

    We gave Sulayman understanding of it. We gave each of them judgement and knowledge. We subjected the mountains to Dawud, glorifying, and the birds as well. This is something We are well able to do.

  • Progressive Muslims

    So We gave Solomon the correct understanding, and both of them We have given wisdom and knowledge. And We committed the mountains with David to praise as well as the birds. This is what We did.

  • Shabbir Ahmed

    We gave Solomon great understanding of the affairs of the state, and each of them We endowed with wisdom and knowledge. We made the most powerful tribal leaders loyal to David, and they fully complemented his efforts. The strong tribe of At-Taeer and the common citizens were supportive of him. It was We Who did all these things.

  • Sam Gerrans The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation

    And We gave understanding of it to Solomon; and to each We gave judgment and knowledge. And We made subject with David the mountains giving glory, and the birds. And We are the doers.

  • The Monotheist Group The Quran: A Monotheist Translation

    So We gave Solomon the correct understanding, and both of them We have given wisdom and knowledge. And We commissioned the mountains with David to praise, and the birds. This is what We did.

  • Edip-Layth Quran: A Reformist Translation

    So We gave Solomon the correct understanding, and both of them We have given wisdom and knowledge. We committed the mountains with David to praise as well as the birds. This is what We did.

  • Rashad Khalifa The Final Testament

    We granted Solomon the correct understanding, though we endowed both of them with wisdom and knowledge. We committed the mountains to serve David in glorifying (God), as well as the birds. This is what we did.

  • Mohamed Ahmed - Samira

    We made Solomon understand the case, and bestowed on each wisdom and knowledge, We subdued the al-jibal (mountains) with David to sing Our praises, and at-tair (birds). It is We who did it.

  • Sahih International (Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)

    And We gave understanding of the case to Solomon, and to each We gave judgement and knowledge. And We subjected the mountains to exalt , along with David and the birds. And We were doing .

  • Muhammad Asad

    for, We made Solomon understand the case yet We vouchsafed unto both of them sound judgment and knowledge . And We caused the mountains to join David in extolling Our limitless glory, and likewise the birds: for We are able to do .

  • Marmaduke Pickthall

    And We made Solomon to understand (the case); and unto each of them We gave judgment and knowledge. And we subdued the hills and the birds to hymn (His) praise along with David. We were the doers (thereof).

  • Abul A'la Maududi Tafhim commentary

    We guided Solomon to the right verdict, and We had granted each of them judgement and knowledge. We made the mountains and the birds celebrate the praise of Allah with David. It was We Who did all this.

  • Abdel Khalek Himmat Al- Muntakhab

    But We inspired Sulayman with the insight of the matter** -therefore, his inspired decision, in addition to being compensatory, was constructive and promotive of work and advancement- and to each one of them We imparted wisdom and correct judgement, knowledge and intellectual acquaintance with the truth. And We subdued the mountains as well as the birds to join David in praising Allah and in extolling His glorious attributes, and We have always been Omnipotent enough to accomplish what we will. **The prosecutor makes use of the sheep until the defender makes the necessary repairs and restores the field to the original state, then each takes back his property.

  • Bijan Moeinian

    I made Solomon to understand the case better, though to both of them I granted Wisdom and knowledge. I commanded the mountains to join David (and echo back his sweet voice) while he was praising the Lord, as well as the birds (to accompany him in his religious chants.) Yes, it was your Lord who did all these.

  • Al-Hilali & Khan

    And We made Sulaimân (Solomon) to understand (the case); and to each of them We gave Hukm (right judgement of the affairs and Prophethood) and knowledge. And We subjected the mountains and the birds to glorify Our Praises along with Dâwûd (David). And it was We Who were the doer (of all these things).

  • Abdullah Yusuf Ali

    To Solomon We inspired the (right) understanding of the matter: to each (of them) We gave Judgment and Knowledge; it was Our power that made the hills and the birds celebrate Our praises, with David: it was We Who did (all these things).

  • Mustafa Khattab The Clear Quran

    We guided ˹young˺ Solomon to a fairer settlement, and granted each of them wisdom and knowledge. We subjected the mountains as well as the birds to hymn ˹Our praises˺ along with David. It is We Who did ˹it all˺.

  • Taqi Usmani

    So, We enabled Sulaimān to understand it. And to each one of them We gave wisdom and knowledge. And with Dawūd We subjugated the mountains that pronounced tasbīH (Allah’s purity), and the birds as well. And We were the One who did (it).

  • Abdul Haleem

    and made Solomon understand the case , though We gave sound judgement and knowledge to both of them. We made the mountains and the birds celebrate Our praises with David- We did all these things-

  • Arthur John Arberry

    and We made Solomon to understand it, and unto each gave We judgment and knowledge. And with David We subjected the mountains to give glory, and the birds, and We were doers.

  • E. Henry Palmer

    and this we gave Solomon to understand. To each of them we gave judgment and knowledge; and to David we subjected the mountains to celebrate our praises, and the birds too,- it was we who did it.

  • Hamid S. Aziz

    And David and Solomon, when they gave judgment concerning the field, when some people's sheep had strayed therein at night; and We were witness to their judgment;

  • Mahmoud Ghali

    So We made Sulayman to understand it, and to each We brought judgment and knowledge. And with Dawû?d We subjected the mountains to extol, and the birds; and We were Performers.

  • George Sale

    And We gave the understanding thereof unto Solomon. And on all of them We bestowed wisdom, and knowledge. And We compelled the mountains to praise Us with David; and the birds also: And We did this.

  • Syed Vickar Ahamed

    And We made Sulaiman (Solomon) understand of the (complex) matters: And to each (of them) We gave judgment and knowledge; It was Our Power that made the hills and the birds celebrate Our praises with Dawood (David): And it was We Who did (all these things).

  • Amatul Rahman Omar

    So We gave Solomon the true appreciation of it (- the matter); to each one of them We gave wisdom and knowledge. And We had subjected the mountains and the birds which celebrated (Our) glory along with David. That is what We always do.

  • Ali Quli Qarai

    We gave its understanding to Solomon, and to each We gave judgement and knowledge. And We disposed the mountains and the birds to glorify with David, and We have been the doer .