And We made your sleep rest,
We made your sleep a break.
And We made your sleep for resting
And We have made sleep so that you can rest.
And We made your sleep rest,
And We made your sleep for resting?
We made your sleep for resting?
We created sleeping so you can rest.
And made sleep for you to rest,
And made your sleep rest
and We have made your sleep death
And have appointed your sleep for repose,
and made your sleep a means of repose,*
We made your sleep* a repose for relief and recuperation,
And favored you with the sleep so that you rest
And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest.
And made your sleep for rest,
and made your sleep for rest,
and made your sleep a source of rest,
give you sleep for rest,
and We appointed your sleep for a rest;
and made your sleep for rest,
And made your sleep for rest?
And We have made your sleep for repose,
and appointed your sleep for rest;
And made your sleep for rest,
And We have made your sleep a source of rest.
and make your sleep for rest?