And they will draw near to one another, asking one of another:
They will confront each other, questioning one another.
So then they approached one another, questioning.
And they will all turn to one another asking (socializing).
And they will draw near to one another, asking one of another:
So then they approached one another, questioning.
So then they approached one another, questioning.
They will come to each other, and confer with one another.
Then one turned to the other in an enquiry.
And they will approach one another, inquiring of each other.
And they will all turn to one another, asking each other .
And some of them draw near unto others, mutually questioning.
Then some of them will turn to others, and will ask each other.
And there shall the faithful convey their thoughts reciprocally in talk holding discourse of the why and the wherefore of past events in life below.
Then they will engage in conversation.
Then they will turn to one another, mutually questioning.
Then they will turn to one another and question one another.
Then they will turn to one another inquisitively.
Then they will turn to each other asking questions mutually.
They will turn to one another with questions:
They advance one upon another, asking each other questions.
and some shall come forward to ask others;
Then shall some of them turn to others, questioning each other.
So some of them come forward to others, (Literally: some (others) asking one another (questions).
And they shall turn the one unto the other, and shall ask one another questions.
Then they will turn to one another and question one another.
Then (sipping their cups) they will turn one to another asking questions;
Some of them will turn to others, questioning each other.