And at night. Will you then not use reason!
So will you not use your intellect?
And in the night. Do you not understand
And by night. Will you not, then, use your sense to draw lessons?
And at night. Will you then not use reason!
And in the night. Do you not comprehend?
In the night. Do you not understand?
And by night. Would you understand?
Or at night. Then how is it you do not understand?
And at night. Then will you not use reason?
and by night. Will you not, then, use your reason?
And at night-time; have ye then no sense?
and at night. Do you still not understand?
And you do evidence them also by night and so can you not reflect!
will you not take a lesson.
And at night; will you not then reflect?
And by night: will ye not understand?
and night. Will you not then understand?
and by nightfall. Would you still not understand?
and night: will you not take heed?
and in the night; will you not understand?
and at night; have ye then no sense?
And at night; do you not then understand?
And by night; Will you not then consider?
and by night: Will ye not therefore understand?
And by night: Will you not reflect and understand?
And (sometimes) by night. Do you not still make use of (your) understanding (and take heed)?
and at night. So do you not apply reason?