About what they did!
about what they did!
Regarding what they use to do.
For whatever they have done!
About what they did!
Regarding what they used to do.
Regarding what they used to do.
about everything they have done.
About their deeds.
About what they used to do.
for whatever they have done!
Of what they used to do.
concerning what they have been doing.
And all their misdeeds shall be laid to their charge.
(and hold responsible for) what they were doing.
For all that they used to do.
For all their deeds.
about what they used to do.
about what they have been doing.
about their deeds.
concerning that they were doing.
about what they have done.
About what they used to do.
Concerning whatever they were doing.
of that which they have wrought.
For all of what they used to do.
About their (mis)deeds.
concerning what they used to do.