He utters not a word save with him is a watcher ready.
He does not utter a single word, without a watcher by him, pen in hand!
He does not utter a word except with having a constant recorder.
Not even a word can he utter but there is an ever-vigilant watcher with him. (The Law of Requital makes a meticulous record).
He utters not a word save with him is a watcher ready.
He does not utter a word except a watcher is constantly with him.
He does not utter a word except with having a constant recorder.
Not an utterance does he utter without an alert witness.
There is not a word he utters but an observer is ready (to make note of it).
Man does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared .
not even a word can he utter but there is a watcher with him, ever-present.
He uttereth no word but there is with him an observer ready.
He utters not a word, but there is a vigilant watcher at hand.
Nothing he utters and expresses in words, be it under his breath or openly disclosed but is related in writing by the two angels who keep a watchful guard.
Not even a word spoken is being missed in their registration.
Not a word does he (or she) utter but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it).
Not a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him, ready (to note it).
not a word does a person utter without having a ˹vigilant˺ observer ready ˹to write it down˺.
Not a single word is uttered by one but there is a watcher near him, ready (to record).
he does not utter a single word without an ever-present watcher.
not a word he utters, but by him is an observer ready.
not a word does he utter, but a watcher is by him ready!
He utters not a word but there is by him a watcher (sentinel, one who censors) at hand.
In no way does he utter a saying except that close to him is a (Guardian) constantly ready.
He uttereth not a word, but there is with him a watcher, ready to note it.
Not a word does he (each angel) say, but there is a guard by him, ready (to note the deeds).
He utters not a word but (it is noted down by) a guardian (angel of his who) stands ready by his side (to record his words).
he says no word but that there is a ready observer beside him.