By the sea filled!
by the Overflowing Ocean:
And the sea that is set aflame.
And by the ocean bustling with ships and lights.
By the sea filled!
And the sea that is overflowing.
The sea that is set aflame.
The sea that is set aflame.
And the swollen sea,
And the sea filled ,
Consider the surf-swollen sea!
And the sea kept filled,
and by the swelling sea:
And by the sea which is filled with life and motion and swallows water to its fill.
And by the swollen ocean
And by the sea kept filled (or it will be fire kindled on the Day of Resurrection).
And by the Ocean filled with Swell;-
And by the seas set on fire!
and by the sea, flared up (with fire),
by the ocean ever filled,
and the sea swarming,
by the swelling sea!
And the swollen sea,
And (by) the sea seething,
and by the swelling ocean:
And by the ocean that fills with waves—
And the dry and empty sea,
by the surging sea: