For what transgression she was killed,
for what crime she was killed,
"For what crime was she killed"
For what crime she was slain. (Women's rights will be restored).
For what transgression she was killed,
"For what crime was she killed?"
"For what crime was she killed?"
For what crime was she killed?
For what crime she was put to death;
For what sin she was killed
for what crime she had been slain,
For what sin she was slain,
for what offence was she killed?
For what guilt was she made to suffer infanticide?
what crime she was buried alive.
For what sin, was she killed?
For what crime she was killed;
for what crime they were put to death,
for what sin she was killed,
for what sin she was killed,
for what sin she was slain,
for what sin she was slain,
For what sin she was killed,
For whichever guilty deed she was killed,
for what crime she was put to death;
For what crime she was killed;
For what offence was she killed?
for what sin she was killed.