Sam Gerrans - The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation

And recite thou to them the report of Abraham

وَاتْلُ عَلَيْهِمْ نَبَاَ اِبْرٰه۪يمَۢ
Watlu AAalayhim nabaa ibraheem
1wa-ut'luAnd reciteتلو
2ʿalayhimto them
3naba-a(the) newsنبا
4ib'rāhīma(of) Ibrahim
  • Aisha Bewley

    Recite to them the story of Ibrahim

  • Progressive Muslims

    And recite to them the news of Abraham.

  • Shabbir Ahmed

    And convey to them of the history of Abraham.

  • Sam Gerrans The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation

    And recite thou to them the report of Abraham

  • The Monotheist Group The Quran: A Monotheist Translation

    Andrecite to them the news of Abraham.

  • Edip-Layth Quran: A Reformist Translation

    Recite to them the news of Abraham.

  • Rashad Khalifa The Final Testament

    Narrate to them Abraham's history.

  • Mohamed Ahmed - Samira

    Relate the news of Abraham to them.

  • Sahih International (Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)

    And recite to them the news of Abraham,

  • Muhammad Asad

    And convey unto them the story of Abraham –

  • Marmaduke Pickthall

    Recite unto them the story of Abraham:

  • Abul A'la Maududi Tafhim commentary

    And recount to them the story of Abraham:

  • Abdel Khalek Himmat Al- Muntakhab

    And relate to the people O Muhammad the narrative of Ibrahim with his father.

  • Bijan Moeinian

    Now recite the story of Abraham

  • Al-Hilali & Khan

    And recite to them the story of Ibrâhîm (Abraham).

  • Abdullah Yusuf Ali

    And rehearse to them (something of) Abraham's story.

  • Mustafa Khattab The Clear Quran

    Relate to them ˹O Prophet˺ the story of Abraham,

  • Taqi Usmani

    And recite before them the narrative of Ibrāhīm,

  • Abdul Haleem

    Tell them the story of Abraham,

  • Arthur John Arberry

    And recite to them the tiding of Abraham

  • E. Henry Palmer

    And recite to them the story of Abraham;

  • Hamid S. Aziz

    And, verily, your Lord, He is indeed the Mighty, the Merciful.

  • Mahmoud Ghali

    And recite to them the tiding ofIbrahîm, (Abraham).

  • George Sale

    And rehearse unto them the story of Abraham:

  • Syed Vickar Ahamed

    And recite to them Ibrahim (Abraham)’s story.

  • Amatul Rahman Omar

    And narrate to them the important event (of the life) of Abraham.

  • Ali Quli Qarai

    Relate to them the account of Abraham