And We raised for thee thy remembrance.
Did We not raise your renown high?
And We have raised your remembrance
And exalted your renown (O Prophet!). (And gave eminence to you, O Mankind!).
And We raised for thee thy remembrance.
And We have raised your remembrance,
We have raised your remembrance,
We exalted you to an honorable position.
And exalted your fame?
And raised high for you your repute.
And raised thee high in dignity?
And exalted thy fame?
And did We not exalt your fame?
And did We not praise your name to fame (that you are being mentioned by others with admiration, adoration and commendation?)
Have I (God) not raised you to a honorable position?
And have We not raised high your fame?
And raised high the esteem (in which) thou (art held)?
and elevated your renown for you?
and We raised high your name.
and raise your reputation high?
Did We not exalt thy fame?
and exalted for thee thy renown?
And exalted for you your renown?
And did We not raise for you your remembrance?
and raised thy reputation for thee?
And elevated your fame (in the eyes of the people?)
And have (We not) exalted for you your name and given you fame?
Did We not exalt your name?