Which weighed down thy back?
which weighed down your back?
Which had put strain on your back
Which would weigh on your back so heavily.
Which weighed down thy back?
Which had put strain on your back?
Which had put strain on your back?
One that burdened your back.
Which had left you devoid of hope,
Which had weighed upon your back
that had weighed so heavily on thy back?
Which weighed down thy back;
that had well-nigh broken your back?*
A burden of an immense magnitude, We realize was more than your back could bear;
…. removing your burden that was pressing your back?
Which weighed down your back?
The which did gall thy back?-
which weighed so heavily on your back,
that had (almost) broken your back,
that weighed so heavily on your back,
the burden that weighed down thy back?
which galled thy back?
Which galled your back?
Which weighed down your back,
which galled thy back;
The (burden) that did strained your back?
Which had weighed your back down?
which broke your back?