White, delightful to the drinkers,
as white as driven snow, delicious to those who drink,
Clear and tasty for the drinkers.
Crystal clear, delicious to those who drink.
White, delightful to the drinkers,
White, delicious for the drinkers.
Clear and tasty for the drinkers.
Clear and delicious for the drinkers.
Clear, delicious to drink,
White and delicious to the drinkers;
clear, delightful to those who drink it:
White, delicious to the drinkers,
white, sparkling (wine), a delight to the drinkers.
Clear white procuring alacrity to those who drink it,
How delightful will be those drinks.
White, delicious to the drinkers.
Crystal-white, of a taste delicious to those who drink (thereof),
crystal-white, delicious to drink.
(that will be) white (and) delicious for those who drink.
white, delicious to those who taste it,
white, a delight to the drinkers,
white and delicious to those who drink,
Crystal-white, delicious to those who drink.
White, delicious to the drinkers-
for the delight of those who drink:
Crystal-white (and) of a delicious taste for those who drink (from it),
(Sparkling) white, delicious to the drinkers, (as a reward for their leading pure sweet and flawless lives).
snow-white, delicious to the drinkers,