In a seat of honour, in the presence of an Omnipotent Sovereign.
on seats of honour in the presence of an All-Powerful King.
In a position of honour, at an Omnipotent King.
Seated honorably in the Presence of a Mighty King.
In a seat of honour, in the presence of an Omnipotent Sovereign.
In a position of honor, at an Omnipotent King.
In a position of honor, at an Omnipotent King.
In a position of honor, at an Omnipotent King.
At the still centre in the proximity of the King all-powerful.
In a seat of honor near a Sovereign, Perfect in Ability.
in a seat of truth, in the presence of a Sovereign who determines all things.
Firmly established in the favour of a Mighty King.
where they will be honourably seated in the presence of a King, Mighty in Power.
Gardens in the beatitude of heavens realm, in the presence of Allah wherein they enjoy the conviviality and Divine liberality and good will of A Malikin (Sovereign) Who is Moqtadir (Omnipresent), Omniscient and Omnipotent.
In a place of true honor: At the presence of the Most Powerful King.
In a seat of truth (i.e. Paradise), near the Omnipotent King (Allâh, the One, the All-Blessed, the Most High, the Owner of Majesty and Honour).
In an Assembly of Truth, in the Presence of a Sovereign Omnipotent.
at the Seat of Honour in the presence of the Most Powerful Sovereign.
in a seat of Truth, near to the Omnipotent Sovereign.
secure in the presence of an all-powerful Sovereign.
in a sure abode, in the presence of a King Omnipotent.
in the seat of truth, with the powerful king.
Established in the Assembly of Truth in the presence of an Omnipotent Sovereign.
In (secure) seat (s) of Sincerity, in the Providence of a Supreme Determiner, an Ever-Pervading King.
in the assembly of truth, in the presence of a most potent king.
In an Assembly of Truth, in the Presence of a Sovereign Almighty (Muqtadir, Omnipotent Allah).
Occupying positions of honour and excellence with the Omnipotent Sovereign.
in the abode of truthfulness with an omnipotent King.