Therein — couches raised,
and raised-up couches,
In it are raised beds.
Therein are thrones of honor.
Therein — couches raised,
In it are raised beds.
In it are raised beds.
In it, there are luxurious furnishings.
And within it are couches placed on high,
Within it are couches raised high
there will be thrones raised high,
Wherein are couches raised
and couches raised high,
Therein are dignified seats covered with embroidered cloth woven in gold and ornamented with brocade,
While relaxing on high thrones.
Therein will be thrones raised high.
Therein will be Thrones (of dignity), raised on high,
along with thrones raised high,
In it there are elevated couches
raised couches,
therein uplifted couches
wherein are couches raised on high,
Wherein are Thrones (of dignity) raised on high,
Therein are upraised settees,
Therein shall be raised beds,
In there will be Thrones (of dignity), raised high,
It shall have thrones raised high,
and in it there are raised couches,