Sam Gerrans - The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation

Hast thou not considered the eminent ones of the children of Israel after Moses? When they said to a prophet of theirs: “Raise thou up for us a king; we will fight in the cause of God,” he said: “Would you, if fighting be prescribed for you, not fight?” They said: “And why should we not fight in the cause of God when we have been turned out of our homes, and our children?” But when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away save a few of them. And God knows the wrongdoers.

اَلَمْ تَرَ اِلَى الْمَلَأِ مِنْ بَن۪ٓي اِسْرَٓائ۪لَ مِنْ بَعْدِ مُوسٰىۢ اِذْ قَالُوا لِنَبِيٍّ لَهُمُ ابْعَثْ لَنَا مَلِكاً نُقَاتِلْ ف۪ي سَب۪يلِ اللّٰهِۜ قَالَ هَلْ عَسَيْتُمْ اِنْ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الْقِتَالُ اَلَّا تُقَاتِلُواۜ قَالُوا وَمَا لَـنَٓا اَلَّا نُقَاتِلَ ف۪ي سَب۪يلِ اللّٰهِ وَقَدْ اُخْرِجْنَا مِنْ دِيَارِنَا وَاَبْنَٓائِنَاۜ فَلَمَّا كُتِبَ عَلَيْهِمُ الْقِتَالُ تَوَلَّوْا اِلَّا قَل۪يلاً مِنْهُمْۜ وَاللّٰهُ عَل۪يمٌ بِالظَّالِم۪ينَ
Alam tara ila almala-i min banee isra-eelamin baAAdi moosa ith qaloo linabiyyin lahumuibAAath lana malikan nuqatil fee sabeeli Allahiqala hal AAasaytum in kutiba AAalaykumu alqitalualla tuqatiloo qaloo wama lanaalla nuqatila fee sabeeli Allahi waqadokhrijna min diyarina waabna-inafalamma kutiba AAalayhimu alqitalu tawallaw illaqaleelan minhum wallahu AAaleemun biththalimeen
1alamDid not
2tarayou seeراي
4l-mala-ithe chiefsملا
6banī(the) Childrenبني
7is'rāīla(of) Israel
12qālūthey saidقول
13linabiyyinto a Prophetنبا
14lahumuof theirs
16lanāfor us
17malikana kingملك
18nuqātilwe may fightقتل
20sabīli(the) wayسبل
21l-lahi(of) Allah
22qālaHe saidقول
24ʿasaytumyou perhaps عسي
27ʿalaykumuupon you
28l-qitālu[the] fightingقتل
29allāthat not
30tuqātilūyou fightقتل
31qālūThey saidقول
32wamāAnd what
33lanāfor us
34allāthat not
35nuqātilawe fightقتل
37sabīli(the) wayسبل
38l-lahi(of) Allah
39waqadwhile surely
40ukh'rij'nāwe have been drivenخرج
42diyārināour homesدور
43wa-abnāināand our childrenبني
44falammāYet, when
45kutibawas prescribedكتب
46ʿalayhimuupon them
47l-qitāluthe fightingقتل
48tawallawthey turned awayولي
50qalīlana fewقلل
51min'humamong them
52wal-lahuAnd Allah
53ʿalīmun(is) All-Knowingعلم
54bil-ẓālimīnaof the wrongdoersظلم
  • Aisha Bewley

    What do you think about the council of the tribe of Israel after Musa’s time when they said to one of their Prophets, ‘Give us a king and we will fight in the Way of Allah!’? He said, ‘Is it not possible that if fighting were prescribed for you, you would not fight?’ They said, ‘How could we not fight in the way of Allah when we have been driven from our homes and children?’ But then when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned their backs – except for a few of them. Allah knows the wrongdoers.

  • Progressive Muslims

    Did you not note the leaders of the Children of Israel after Moses, they said to their prophet: "Send us a king that we may fight in the cause of God;" he said: "Are you not concerned that if fighting is decreed upon you, you will then not fight" They said: "And why should we not fight in the cause of God when we have been driven out from our homes with our children. " So it was, that when fighting was decreed for them they turned away, except for a few of them! God is fully aware of the wicked.

  • Shabbir Ahmed

    Sustained commitment to the Divine Order with your lives and wealth is no easy undertaking. After the times of Moses, some leaders of the Israelites promised their Prophet (Samuel), "If you appoint a king for us, we will fight in the Cause of Allah." The Prophet said, "Is it your intention to refrain from fighting if it was decreed to you?" They said' "Why should we not fight in the Cause of Allah when we have been driven out of our homes with our children?" Yet when fighting was ordained for them, they turned away all but a few. Allah is Aware of the wrongdoers.

  • Sam Gerrans The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation

    Hast thou not considered the eminent ones of the children of Israel after Moses? When they said to a prophet of theirs: “Raise thou up for us a king; we will fight in the cause of God,” he said: “Would you, if fighting be prescribed for you, not fight?” They said: “And why should we not fight in the cause of God when we have been turned out of our homes, and our children?” But when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away save a few of them. And God knows the wrongdoers.

  • The Monotheist Group The Quran: A Monotheist Translation

    Did you not note the leaders of the Children of Israel after Moses, they said to their prophet: "Send us a king that we may fight in the cause of God;" he said: "Are you not concerned that if fighting is decreed for you, you will then not fight?" They said: "And why should we not fight in the cause of God when we have been expelled from our homes along with our children." So it was, that when fighting was decreed for them they turned away, except for a few of them! God is fully aware of the wicked.

  • Edip-Layth Quran: A Reformist Translation

    Did you not note the leaders of the Children of Israel after Moses, they said to their prophet, "Send us a king that we may fight in the cause of God;" he said, "Are you not concerned that if fighting is decreed upon you, you will then not fight?" They said, "Why should we not fight in the cause of God when we have been driven out from our homes with our children." Yet, when fighting was decreed for them, they turned away, except for a few of them! God is fully aware of the wicked.

  • Rashad Khalifa The Final Testament

    Have you noted the leaders of Israel after Moses? They said to their prophet, "If you appoint a king to lead us, we will fight in the cause of GOD." He said, "Is it your intention that, if fighting is decreed for you, you will not fight?" They said, "Why should we not fight in the cause of GOD, when we have been deprived of our homes, and our children?" Yet, when fighting was decreed for them, they turned away, except a few. GOD is aware of the transgressors.

  • Mohamed Ahmed - Samira

    Have you thought of the elders of Israel after Moses, and how they said to their apostle: "Set up a king for us, then we shall fight in the way of God?" He replied: "This too is possible that when commanded to fight you may not fight at all. " They said: "How is it we should not fight in the way of God when we have been driven from our homes and deprived of our Sons?" But when they were ordered to fight they turned away, except for a few; yet God knows the sinners.

  • Sahih International (Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)

    Have you not considered the assembly of the Children of Israel after Moses when they said to a prophet of theirs, "Send to us a king, and we will fight in the way of Allah "? He said, "Would you perhaps refrain from fighting if fighting was prescribed for you?" They said, "And why should we not fight in the cause of Allah when we have been driven out from our homes and from our children?" But when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, except for a few of them. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers.

  • Muhammad Asad

    Art thou not aware of those elders of the children of Israel, after the time of Moses, how they said unto a prophet of theirs, "Raise up a king for us, we shall fight in God's cause"? Said he: "Would you, perchance, refrain from fighting if fighting is ordained for you?" They answered: "And why should we not fight in God's cause when we and our children have been driven from our homelands?" Yet, when fighting was ordained for them, they did turn back, save for a few of them; but God had full knowledge of the evildoers.

  • Marmaduke Pickthall

    Bethink thee of the leaders of the Children of Israel after Moses, how they said unto a prophet whom they had: Set up for us a king and we will fight in Allah's way. He said: Would ye then refrain from fighting if fighting were prescribed for you? They said: Why should we not fight in Allah's way when we have been driven from our dwellings with our children? Yet, when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, all save a few of them. Allah is aware of evil-doers.

  • Abul A'la Maududi Tafhim commentary

    (O Messenger), have you thought of what happened with the elders of the Children of Israel after Moses? They asked one of their Prophets: "Set up for us a king so that we may fight in the way of Allah." He said: “Would you possibly refrain from fighting if fighting is ordained for you?” They said: “And why would we not fight in the way of Allah when we have been torn from our homes and our children?” But when fighting was ordained for them they turned back, except a few of them. Allah is well aware of the wrong-doers.

  • Abdel Khalek Himmat Al- Muntakhab

    Have you not seen, O Muhammad, into the discourse held by Bani Isra‘il’s chiefs with a prophet of their own sent to them after Mussa’s death? They said to him: "Nominate a king under whose power we can unite and fight in Allah’s cause. " The Prophet said to them: "What if he is appointed and fighting is ordained and you refuse to fight?" They said: "But why should we not fight in Allah’s cause when we and our children have been expelled from our homes?" But when fighting was ordained they retracted their word and their true irreverent spirit betrayed them to their fall excepting a few; but Allah is wholly aware of the wrongful.

  • Bijan Moeinian

    Have you ever thought about the leaders of Israel after Moses? They asked their Prophet to beg the Lord to bless them with a king to lead them in fight in the cause of God. When their prophet asked about weather or not they will stick to their promise to fight they replied: "How could we refuse to fight when we are driven out of our land and separated from our family?" However, when God gave them the permission to fight, the majority turned away. God is aware of what unjust people do.

  • Al-Hilali & Khan

    Have you not thought about the group of the Children of Israel after (the time of) Mûsâ (Moses)? When they said to a Prophet of theirs, "Appoint for us a king and we will fight in Allâh’s Way." He said, "Would you then refrain from fighting, if fighting was prescribed for you?" They said, "Why should we not fight in Allâh’s Way while we have been driven out of our homes and our children (families have been taken as captives)?" But when fighting was ordered for them, they turned away, all except a few of them. And Allâh is All-Aware of the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers).

  • Abdullah Yusuf Ali

    Hast thou not Turned thy vision to the Chiefs of the Children of Israel after (the time of) Moses? they said to a prophet (That was) among them: "Appoint for us a king, that we May fight in the cause of Allah." He said: "Is it not possible, if ye were commanded to fight, that that ye will not fight?" They said: "How could we refuse to fight in the cause of Allah, seeing that we were turned out of our homes and our families?" but when they were commanded to fight, they turned back, except a small band among them. But Allah Has full knowledge of those who do wrong.

  • Mustafa Khattab The Clear Quran

    Have you not seen those chiefs of the Children of Israel after Moses? They said to one of their prophets, "Appoint for us a king, ˹and˺ we will fight in the cause of Allah." He said, “Are you not going to cower if ordered to fight?” They replied, “How could we refuse to fight in the cause of Allah, while we were driven out of our homes and ˹separated from˺ our children?” But when they were ordered to fight, they fled, except for a few of them. And Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of the wrongdoers.

  • Taqi Usmani

    Did you not see a group from the children of Isrā’īl (Israel), after (the time of) Mūsā when they said to their prophet: "Appoint for us a king, so that we may fight in the way of Allah."He said: “Is it (not) likely, if fighting is enjoined upon you, that you would not fight.” They said: “What is wrong with us that we would not fight while we have been driven away from our homes and our sons?” But, when fighting was enjoined upon them, they turned away, except a few of them, and Allah is Aware of the unjust.

  • Abdul Haleem

    , consider the leaders of the Children of Israel who came after Moses, when they said to one of their prophets, ‘Set up a king for us and we shall fight in God’s cause.’ He said, ‘But could it be that you would not fight, if it were ordained for you?’ They said, ‘How could we not fight in God’s cause when we and our children have been driven out of our homeland?’ Yet when they were commanded to fight, all but a few of them turned away: God has full knowledge of those who do wrong.

  • Arthur John Arberry

    Hast thou not regarded the Council of the Children of Israel, after Moses, when they said to a Prophet of theirs, 'Raise up for us a king, and we will fight in God's way. ' He said, 'Might it be that, if fighting is prescribed for you, you will not fight?' They said, 'Why should we not fight in God's way, who have been expelled from our habitations and our children?' Yet when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned their backs except a few of them; and God has knowledge of the evildoers.

  • E. Henry Palmer

    Dost thou not look at the crowd of the children of Israel after Moses time, when they said to a prophet of theirs, 'Raise up for us a king, and we will fight in God's way?' He said, 'Will ye perhaps, if it be written down for you to fight, refuse to fight?' They said, ' And why should we not fight in God's way, now that we are dispossessed of our homes and sons?' But when it was written down for them to fight they turned back, save a few of them, and God knows who are evildoers.

  • Hamid S. Aziz

    Do you not look at the chiefs of the children of Israel after Moses' time, when they said to a prophet of theirs (Samuel), "Raise up for us a king, and we will fight in Allah's way?" He said, "Will you perhaps, if it be prescribed for you to fight, refuse to fight?" They said, "Why should we not fight in Allah's way, now that we are dispossessed of our homes and children?" But when it was prescribed for them to fight they turned back, save a few of them. Allah is Aware of evildoers.

  • Mahmoud Ghali

    Have you not regarded the chiefs of the Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel) even after Mûsa, (Moses) as they said to a Prophet of theirs, "Send forth for us a king, (so that) we would fight in the way of Allah. "He said, " Might it be that in case fighting is prescribed for you, you would not fight?" They said, "How is it that we would not fight in the way of Allah, and we have already been driven out of our residences and sons?" Yet, when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, except a few of them; and Allah is Ever-Knowing of the unjust.

  • George Sale

    Hast thou not considered the assembly of the children of Israel, after the time of Moses; when they said unto their prophet Samual, set a king over us, that we may fight for the religion of God? The prophet answered, if ye are enjoined to go to war, will ye be near refusing to fight? They answered, and what should ail us that we should not fight for the religion of God, seeing we are dispossessed of our habitations, and deprived of our children? But when they were enjoined to go to war, they turned back, except a few of them: And God knew the ungodly.

  • Syed Vickar Ahamed

    Have you not turned your vision to the groups of the Children of Israel after (the time of) Musa (Moses)? They said to a prophet (who was) among them (Samuel): "Appoint a king for us, that we may fight in the cause of Allah. " He said: "Is it not possible that, if you were commanded to fight, you may not fight?" They said: "How could we refuse to fight in the Cause of Allah after seeing that we were turned out of our homes and our families?" But when they were commanded to fight, they turned back, except for a small band among them. But Allah has full knowledge of those who do wrong.

  • Amatul Rahman Omar

    Have you not considered (the case of) the Chiefs of the Children of Israel (who lived) after (the time of) Moses? When they said to a Prophet of theirs, (- Samuel), `Appoint for us a controlling authority that we may fight in the cause of Allâh. ' He said, `Is it not likely, that if fighting is prescribed for you, you will not fight?' They said, `And what reason have we that we should not fight in the cause of Allâh, and we have been indeed driven forth from our homes and (parted from) our children?' Yet, when fighting was prescribed for them, they backed out except a few of them. And Allâh knows the unjust well.

  • Ali Quli Qarai

    Have you not regarded the elite of the Israelites after Moses, when they said to their prophet, ‘Appoint for us a king, that we may fight in the way of Allah. ’ He said, ‘May it not be that you will not fight if fighting were prescribed for you?’ They said, ‘Why should we not fight in the way of Allah, when we have been expelled from our homes and our children?’ So when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned back except a few of them, and Allah knows best the wrongdoers.