Sam Gerrans - The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation

“Those who heed warning and clothe not their faith in injustice: those have security, and they are guided.”

اَلَّذ۪ينَ اٰمَنُوا وَلَمْ يَلْبِسُٓوا ا۪يمَانَهُمْ بِظُلْمٍ اُو۬لٰٓئِكَ لَهُمُ الْاَمْنُ وَهُمْ مُهْتَدُونَ۟
Allatheena amanoo walamyalbisoo eemanahum bithulmin ola-ikalahumu al-amnu wahum muhtadoon
1alladhīnaThose who
3walamand (did) not
5īmānahumtheir beliefامن
6biẓul'minwith wrongظلم
8lahumufor them
9l-amnu(is) the securityامن
10wahumand they
11muh'tadūna(are) rightly guidedهدي
  • Aisha Bewley

    Those who have iman and do not mix up their iman with any wrongdoing, they are the ones who are safe; it is they who are guided. ’

  • Progressive Muslims

    Those who believe and do not dress their belief with wrongdoing; they will have security, and they are guided.

  • Shabbir Ahmed

    Those who attain belief and cloak not their belief with wrong doctrines, for them is inner peace and security. They are rightly guided.

  • Sam Gerrans The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation

    “Those who heed warning and clothe not their faith in injustice: those have security, and they are guided.”

  • The Monotheist Group The Quran: A Monotheist Translation

    Those who believe and do not confound their belief with wrongdoing; they will have security, and they are guided.

  • Edip-Layth Quran: A Reformist Translation

    Those who acknowledge and do not dress their acknowledgement with inequity; they will have security, and they are guided.

  • Rashad Khalifa The Final Testament

    Those who believe, and do not pollute their belief with idol worship, have deserved the perfect security, and they are truly guided.

  • Mohamed Ahmed - Samira

    They alone have peace who believe and do not intermix belief with denial, and are guided on the right path. "

  • Sahih International (Umm Muhammad, Mary Kennedy, Amatullah Bantley)

    They who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice - those will have security, and they are guided.

  • Muhammad Asad

    Those who have attained to faith, and who have not obscured their faith by wrongdoing-it is they who shall be secure, since it is they who have found the right path!"

  • Marmaduke Pickthall

    Those who believe and obscure not their belief by wrongdoing, theirs is safety; and they are rightly guided.

  • Abul A'la Maududi Tafhim commentary

    Those who believe and did not tarnish their faith with wrong-doing for them there is security, and it is they who have been guided to the right way.'

  • Abdel Khalek Himmat Al- Muntakhab

    Indeed those who believed in Allah with hearts impressed with the image of religious and spiritual virtues and did not confuse their spiritual apprehension of divine truths with wrongful actions and injustice are they who shall escape censure; they shall be graced with safety and security and the world is all before them and Providence their guide.

  • Bijan Moeinian

    "Yes; only those deserve peace who believe in God and worship none but God. Such people are at peace and rightly guided."

  • Al-Hilali & Khan

    It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh and worship none but Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Zulm (wrong i.e. by worshipping others besides Allâh), for them (only) there is security and they are the guided.

  • Abdullah Yusuf Ali

    "It is those who believe and confuse not their beliefs with wrong - that are (truly) in security, for they are on (right) guidance."

  • Mustafa Khattab The Clear Quran

    It is ˹only˺ those who are faithful and do not tarnish their faith with falsehood who are guaranteed security and are ˹rightly˺ guided.

  • Taqi Usmani

    Those who have believed and have not mixed their faith with injustice are the ones who deserve peace, and it is they who are on the right path.

  • Abdul Haleem

    It is those who have faith, and do not mix their faith with idolatry, who will be secure, and it is they who are rightly guided.’

  • Arthur John Arberry

    Those who believe, and have not confounded their belief with evildoing -- to them belongs the true security; they are rightly guided.

  • E. Henry Palmer

    Those who believe and do not obscure their faith with wrong, they are those who shall have security, and they are guided.

  • Hamid S. Aziz

    It is those who believe and confuse not their faith with wrong, they are those who shall have security, and they are the rightly guided.

  • Mahmoud Ghali

    The ones who have believed and have not confounded their belief with injustice, to those belong the (true) security, and they are right-guided.

  • George Sale

    Those who belief and mix not up their belief with injustice -- it is they who shall have peace, and who are rightly guided.

  • Syed Vickar Ahamed

    "It is those who believe and do not confuse their beliefs with wrong— Who are (truly) in security, for they are on (right) guidance. "

  • Amatul Rahman Omar

    It is only those who believe and have not polluted their faith with associating partners with Allâh, to whom belongs peace (and salvation). It is these alone who are rightly guided.

  • Ali Quli Qarai

    Those who have faith and do not taint their faith with wrongdoing —for such there shall be safety, and they are the guided. ’