And gardens dense with foliage,
and luxuriant gardens
And gardens in variety.
And dense beautiful gardens.
And gardens dense with foliage,
And gardens in variety.
Gardens in variety.
A variety of orchards.
Orchards thick with trees,
And gardens of dense shrubbery
and gardens dense with foliage,
And garden-closes of thick foliage
and dense orchards,
Gardens of perennial and other purposeful trees,
And dense gardens.
And gardens dense with many trees,
And enclosed Gardens, dense with lofty trees,
and dense orchards,
and gardens, full of thick trees,
luscious gardens,
and dense-tree'd gardens,
and gardens closely planted,
And dense luxurious gardens,
And enclosed orchards with dense trees,
and gardens planted thick with trees,
And enclosed gardens thick with tall trees,
Orchards with dense trees,
and densely-planted gardens,