Then when the stars are put out,
When the stars are extinguished,
So when the stars are plunged.
So when the stars lose their luster. (The small groups of opponents fade away).
Then when the stars are put out,
So when the stars are plunged.
So when the stars are dimmed.
Thus, when the stars are put out.
When the stars are obliterated,
So when the stars are obliterated
Thus, when the stars are effaced,
So when the stars are put out,
So when the stars are extinguished,*
When the stars are dimmed and emit no light, *
When the stars become dark.
Then when the stars lose their lights.
Then when the stars become dim;
So when the stars are put out,
So, when the stars will be extinguished,
When the stars are dimmed
When the stars shall be extinguished,
And when the stars shall be erased!
So when the stars are made dim,
So when the stars will be obliterated,
When the stars, therefore, shall be put out,
Then when the stars lose their light (and glow);
So when the small stars will be made to lose their light,
So when the stars are blotted out,