For the false claimers of guidance not easy.
not easy for the kafirun.
Upon the rejecters it will not be easy.
Not of ease, for all who deny the Truth.
For the false claimers of guidance not easy.
Upon the rejecters it will not be easy.
Upon the ingrates it will not be easy.
For the disbelievers, not easy.
Dolorous for the unbelievers.
For the disbelievers - not easy.
not of ease, for all who deny the truth!
Not of ease, for disbelievers.
not an easy day for the unbelievers.*
So distressful to those who refused to acknowledge Allah and conform to His blessed will; a day fraught with pain and affliction.
A hard Day for the disbelievers.
Far from easy for the disbelievers.
Far from easy for those without Faith.
far from easy for the disbelievers.
not easy for the disbelievers.
They will have no ease.
for the unbelievers not easy.
for the misbelievers aught but easy!
Far from easy for the unbelievers.
For the disbelievers, other than being easy.
and uneasiness unto the unbelievers.
Far from being easy for the disbelievers.
For the disbelievers it will not be easy (to behold the complete triumph of Truth).
not at all easy for the faithless.